Horrified, Game of the Month – October 2021
Candidly, Halloween is not my favourite holiday. I like the costumes and the kids excitement for going out trick or treating and getting more sweets and chocolate than I can eat. But I have never really been one for horror movies and the dressing up myself. I try and embrace it for the kids but it’s not really for me.
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It was a tricky month for gaming, I played lots of things one or two times and plenty of new games hit the table to be learnt. So the game of the month was difficult to choose. Nothing particularly rose above anything else in terms of number of plays. A few games hit the table more, but these are out the running as I am hoping to review them soon. So the game of the month is a new-to-me game that is also thematically appropriate for the month of October. I chose Horrified, published by Ravensburger.
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I always enjoy a co-operative game and this one oozes in its theme. Beneath the theme is some good gameplay that encourages teamwork and the hive mind to secure victory. With each player having unique abilities, a varying number of actions, and a different way to defeat each monster, there is plenty more plays of Horrified I can look forward to!
© boardgamereview.co.uk
I always enjoy a co-operative game and this one oozes in its theme. Beneath the theme is some good gameplay that encourages teamwork and the hive mind to secure victory. With each player having unique abilities, a varying number of actions, and a different way to defeat each monster, there is plenty more plays of Horrified I can look forward to!
Buy Horrified
If you want to buy Horrified after reading our feature click on one of our affiliate links below (note there has been no affiliate links until this point)
Reviewer’s Note
For clarity. We don’t get paid for our reviews. We purchased this game with our own money, this has not affected our review in any way.
We may however earn a tincy wincy commission if you buy a game having clicked one of our affiliate links like the one above… this hopefully gives us a bit of pocket money towards hosting costs and new games to review!
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