Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters: Game of the Month, April 2020
A new arrival this month has really kept the whole family amused. A game that goes by the name of Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters. Yeah, it is a pretty cool name for a board game we agree and it matches that name with some marvellous minis, cool looking board and fab gameplay.

Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters isn’t new on the market, in fact, it came out in 2013 and won the Kinderspiel des Jahres in 2014. I can see why! This game is a co-operative family game. As the name suggests 2-4 players go around a house eradicating ghosts and ghouls while looking for treasure. The age recommendation is 8+ but younger players will be fine assuming there are older players to help suggest options – without being too bossy ideally.
The game isn’t too easy and is really well balanced, there are also levels of difficulty you can add in as you become more skilled at fightin’ ghosts and treasure huntin’. All this makes it the Board Game Review game of the month!
Buy Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters
If you want to buy Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters t after reading our feature click on one of our affiliate links below:
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Reviewer’s Note
For clarity. We don’t get paid for our reviews. We purchased this game with our own money, this has not affected our review in any way.
We may however earn a tincy wincy commission if you buy a game having clicked one of our affiliate links like the one above… this hopefully gives us a bit of pocket money towards hosting costs and new games to review!
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