Space Base, Game of the Month – June 2022
I have only met Marie and Dave courtesy of the wonderful community of board gamers on Instagram. Marie (aka @burtons_boards) has loyally followed along my Instagram journey, interacting and encouraging me every step of the way. We first met in real life at UK Games Expo in 2021. Why am I telling you this? Well a couple of months ago I had the absolute pleasure of hosting this lovely couple for a games day. We played a lot of games, including Space Base. I was almost as sad to see the game leave after that happy day of gaming as I was Marie and Dave. I pined after it, like a puppy who couldn’t remember where it had buried a bone.
June put a stop to my pining, as Father’s Day arrived and along with some rather funky socks, some tech wizardry – to up my insta-game, abusive cards and a bottle of gin, was Space Base. It felt like heavenly light cast upon it as I ripped the wrapping paper off. “Arrahaaaaaaa” rung like a choir in a church through my head. My children had struck gold and avoided being written out of my will for another year!

It got unboxed almost immediately and we all settled down for a five player game of Space Base. I could remember all the rules, bar a few card explanations and it was a pretty blissful father’s day. My middle son George beat me on our first play, which marred my celebratory day slightly! Two subsequent wins at two player against my wife have made up for that though! Listen to me, I almost sound competitive!

I can’t really put my finger on what makes Space Base so good, but it really is. Rolling dice and upgrading cards is fantastic, a little bit of luck but not too much. I think it is probably getting benefits from every other player’s rolls that I find deeply satisfying. Games are also quite tight, so you are also left saying that you could’ve won on your next turn. Either way I am enjoying it as much as I hoped I would after my first impressions a few months ago. It was therefore an obvious choice for my game of the month accolade. Also just a quick thank you to Anne (@dice.and.dishes) who told me I needed this game in my life – you were correct! Special honourable mention to the board game Akropolis too though, which hit the table the most in the month of June.
Buy Space Base
If you want to buy Space Base after reading our feature click on one of our affiliate links below:
(note there has been no affiliate links until this point)
Reviewer’s Note
For clarity. We don’t get paid for our reviews. This game was gifted to me for Father’s Day, this has not affected our review in any way.
We may however earn a tincy wincy commission if you buy a game having clicked one of our affiliate links like the one above… this hopefully gives us a bit of pocket money towards hosting costs and new games to review!
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