Kingdomino: Game of the Month, March 2020
Kingdomino is my game of the month. I gifted to my mum on mothering Sunday. Of course due to self-isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic, I couldn’t give her a big hug when delivering it like normal. It was accompanied by a small plant and a loo roll – frivolous I know!
My parents are not board gamers, mainly because my Mum is a filthy cheat. I chose Kingdomino for them as I think it is a great entry level game. It is easy to learn and there is enough strategy to keep the mind active while playing it. I also thought it would be hard for Mum to cheat at (she will find a way I’m sure).

Kingdomino is a game that scales really well between 2 and 4 players. So, once this is all over they will be able to play it with other members of the family including their grandchildren. That’s because the concept is fathomable by young players too. I would say you probably need to be six or over and to put this into perspective two days ago my nine year old son gave me, his mum and his older brother an absolute drubbing with a jaw-dropping score. It’s also a really quick game to play. I love it and really do struggle to find fault with it… I am still waiting to find out what the folks thought of it, as bizarrely they have been “too busy” to play it yet!
Buy Kingdomino
If you want to buy Kingdomino after reading our feature click on one of our affiliate links below:
(note there has been no affiliate links until this point)
Reviewer’s Note
For clarity. We don’t get paid for our reviews. We purchased this game with our own money, this has not affected our review in any way.
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