Herd Mentality: Game of the Month, December 2020
2020 has been a bonkers year. Yet out of a year that could’ve so easily had no positives, there were plenty of highlights for me personally. The Instagram board game community continues to grow with friendly, positive people wanting to share their love of board games. It was the welcome I received on social media that spurred me on to create my own website. I haven’t looked back!
Despite lockdowns and subsequent tier restrictions I have been very lucky to be able to continue to play board games with my wife and boys. Occasionally also playing socially-distanced with my friends too. The temporary easing of restrictions around Christmas enabled us to have another board gaming family in the house. It wasn’t until I brought some games for us all to play to the table and started playing that I realised how much I had missed playing party games. It’s a genre that often gets overlooked by some reviewers as they peer down their noses at light games with no strategy.
I however, enjoy them. Playing party games with the right group of people inevitably ends in proper belly laughter and often tears of joy rolling down faces. Our Christmas evening was a medley of them, most published by Big Potato Games, and it is one of theirs that gets the Board Game Review Game of the Month for December 2020.

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I bought my wife Herd Mentality for Christmas. It was the only board game she actually wanted, and I hasten to add, the only one she got. All the others I wrapped and gave to myself!
Like so many party games, it was easy to pick up and play Herd Mentality, even with a sherry inside me. Read a card and everyone then writes down the answer that they think everyone else would say. If your answer matches with the majority of people you get a point. If however, you are the only person to say an answer you get the pink cow of shame and cannot win the game unless you have passed it on to another player. The first player to eight points wins.

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Most ages can play. Harrison (12) and George (9) played on an equal footing, although George did get the pink cow a bit more often! Trying to think like the herd is key and the answer you put down may not be the answer you would choose, so it makes for an interesting thought process. One memorable laugh out loud moment was when the card asked us to write down the largest thing we could think of. Universe won with four votes and the pink cow was awarded to my friend who could only think of the Eiffel Tower!
Herd Mentality is simple, fun and a little bit bonkers. Ultimately, that is what you want from a party game and it delivered. If you need another excuse to add it to your shopping cart, it comes in a partially flocked box! We were introduced to Herd Mentality by @zeebeevee on Instagram who regularly hosts a game on her account. It does work over video call too for those that would like that option!
It was nice to have people in the house, albeit only until midnight when Tier 4 restrictions were put in place. I know the start of 2021 isn’t going to be easy. However, I am looking forward to bringing more party games to the table in the future.
Buy Herd Mentality
If you want to buy Herd Mentality after reading our feature click on one of our affiliate links below (note there has been no affiliate links until this point)
Reviewer’s Note
For clarity. We don’t get paid for our reviews. We purchased this game with our own money, this has not affected our review in any way.
We may however earn a tincy wincy commission if you buy a game having clicked one of our affiliate links like the one above… this hopefully gives us a bit of pocket money towards hosting costs and new games to review!
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